
Cheap and Easy Peter Pan Themed Family Halloween Costumes

There is nothing quite as nostalgic as sitting down to watch a classic Disney film like Peter Pan. As a 90’s kid, it really brings me back to my childhood days when animation was sub-par and you couldn’t fast-forward through the credits without messing up your VHS. (YIKES). Last Halloween, we had a blast creating “Peter Pan” themed family costumes and in this post I’ll break down how you can easily and cheaply get this look!

Peter Pan themed family costumes

Simple & Affordable Peter Pan Costumes for Family of 5

Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.”

Peter Pan themed family costumes

I have never been a big costume person. Like Jim from the office, any time there was some sort of dress-up thing in college, I’d do as little as possible to avoid drawing attention to myself. That all changed when I started creating my own little people. Little kids are SO fun to dress up and the photos are priceless to look back on.

The best way to create family costumes is to select a theme that has a lot of different characters. Peter Pan themed family costumes are PERFECT because you can always add more characters depending on the size of your family!

Peter Pan themed family costumes

It wasn’t hard to pull off this look with a mix of DIY Halloween costumes, newly purchased costumes, and even stuff we had lying around the house! I’ll break down each look below!

“Peter Pan” Themed Family Halloween Costumes

Peter Pan themed family costumes

Whether you are trying to find costumes for a Halloween party or just for your usual trick-or-treating, this theme is SO fun, easy, and affordable! Here is how we created this look:

Captain Hook:

My husband went with a simple collared white shirt and blue jeans for his “Captain Hook” look. I ordered a swashbuckler hat and a hook. We drew a curly mustache with black face paint. (If you don’t have face paint available, use eyeliner!) He had a pair of work boots to finish off the ensemble. You could definitely do more with this costume such as a sword, coat, wig, etc but I didn’t want to spend a fortune.


I went the easiest route possible and dressed as Wendy. There are a lot of costumes of Wendy available online but the cheapest option was to buy a simple blue nightgown. You could also buy matching slippers. Wendy has a signature hairstyle which you could also attempt to replicate. I had about five minutes to get ready and my hair is way too long so I was the least dressed up. #momproblems.

Peter Pan:

Peter Pan themed family costumes

Fletcher’s costume was mostly all store bought and he still wears it to this day! This costume has been used for everything from Robin Hood to Flynn Ryder and is so versatile. He looked absolutely adorable in it and his face makes me melt. My husband made him a little wooden dagger to tuck into his belt which he loved!

Tinker Bell:

​Charlotte was our little brunette Tinker Bell. She was absolutely stunning in this little green fairy costume complete with wings. I did her hair in a tight bun and the costume was perfect. The wings were pretty fragile for a two year old. She enjoyed them the night of Halloween but they got thrown away shortly after. The little dress is still in our dress-up bin and she loves it!

DIY Smee Costume:

baby smee costume

Hattie was the funniest part of our Halloween costumes. Her face alone was worthy of a costume contest prize. Some day she will probably hate us for dressing her as a little old man for Halloween but it was just so dang cute.

For a Smee costume, I found a slouchy pair of boy shorts and an old white onesie. I cut the onesie a bit short with a pair of scissors to be a belly shirt and used acrylic paint to create the signature Smee blue striped shirt.

I bought a red beanie from Amazon and a tiny pair of glasses. The final touch was adding some cotton tufts as “sideburns”. I used hot glue to attach the cotton tufts to the inside of her beanie. I thought it was pretty cute for a homemade Halloween costume! (Obviously, she hated all of it, but once we had the pictures, I was content!)

More Options For Peter Pan Halloween Costumes

Peter Pan themed family costumes

If you have more kiddos than we do, you could totally add to this. Throw in a few “Lost Boys”, a crocodile, and some more pirates. The options are endless!

Peter Pan themed family costumes

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